Law has established the quality of olive oil.

The main indication for the quality is the acidity. At all stages of harvesting until the end of the extraction process, factors such as contamination, fermentation, etc. have an influence on acidity. It is too far to name all of these effects separately, but if everything is done properly, the acidity will remain low, and the lower the acidity, the purer (virgin) the oil.

The olive oil of El Príncipe Verde is of the highest quality: Extra Virgin

The format:

  • Virgen Extra (Extra Virgin): <0.8% acidity
  • Virgen (Virgin): 0.8% - 2.0% acidity
  • Lampante (Lamp oil):> 3.3% acidity NOT FOR CONSUMPTION
    This is the oil obtained from on-the-ground olives. In the past, this olive oil was used as a lamp oil.
  • Refinado (refined): Lampante chemically purified to an acidity of max. 0.3%.
  • Refinado + Virgen: = Aceite de Oliva/Olive oil
    Often sold in the supermarket as "Traditional", "Mild" or simply "Olive oil".

First press
The term Pers Persing is widely used, but this is an empty term today. In the past, when the presses were less efficient, several times were pressed, with quality decreasing, but this has not been happening for a long time. In addition, most of the olive oil is no longer squeezed but extracted by centrifugal technology. The correct term would then be; "First Extraction".

Convenience store
In the supermarket, large suppliers can also find extra-rich olive oil, but note that much of the total olive oil supply is lower quality oil refined or chemically refined. This is done to restore the excessive acidity of oil that was not suitable for consumption first to a low level. In this process, all the finesse and a lot of the healthy properties are lost. Then a small percentage of higher quality olive oil (which adds flavor) is added, and then it may be called olive oil again (without further indication). This species is also often sold as "Mild" or "Traditional".

There is often nothing to be found about the type of olive oil and the origin. Look at the supermarket on the label of any Extra Four Olive Oil, and you will see, although this oil is of superior quality, that in most cases it is still difficult to find out which oil type is made of the oil and where The oil comes from

Monoclass olive oil
Monoclass implies that the olive oil in question is completely derived from one type of olive oil. We see this as the ultimate olive oil.
Mixing or "Blending" of different types of olive oil is often presented beautifully as a balanced relationship to get the perfect taste, but often it is an inevitable consequence of the fact that it is too hard for the producer concerned to separate the different species separately. process.

We of El Príncipe Verde, therefore, do not like mixing. We always try to stay as close as possible to the base and our olive oil is therefore always 100% of one type of olives. We do not mix our Empeltre olive oil with other species, and also try not to affect the taste. Mixing olive oil species we find the same as coke, sinas and cassis, and then simply sell as soda.

We love our trees and precisely the oil they give us, which tastes something different every year under the influence of climatic conditions. Every harvest we look forward to how the oil will smell and taste exactly.


Ordered today, shipped by us in the Netherlands by tomorrow.

Shipping costs NL € 3,95

From € 50, - free shipping in the Netherlands.


The dog days are approaching and with it the warmest period of the year. The olive trees have been able to prepare reasonably well with the rain that fell recently, but it could have been more. They can use it well because so far it looks like we're in for a good harvest. The trees are chock full of growing olives!

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