Olive oil is mainly known as food, but many other applications are known. Below we will call a few.

Olive oil is found in all kinds of cosmetic products because of its healthy effects, but what do you think of using it purely? All applications apply; Use Virgen Extra of course!

Olive oil is hydrating and regenerating for your skin because of the many antioxidants it contains. Also, aging of the skin is slowed down and it keeps the skin elastic. If you use it for a massage, you can add all these positive qualities to your skin with the already healthy massage.

Did you burn yourself? After cooling, add extra virgin olive oil.

Like with your skin, olive oil also hydrates and regenerates your hair. It gets stronger, gets more shine, grows faster and you are less affected by split points. It also takes care of your scalp.
But how do you use it?

Once every 2 weeks or a month, treat your hair with olive oil.

  • Put some olive oil in your palms and massage your hair and your scalp.
  • Cover your hair with a warm damp towel and allow it to work for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your hair thoroughly, best with a mild (child) shampoo.

The result is healthy hair, and that with a means you just have in your kitchen cabinet!

Do not throw away a forgotten bottle of olive oil from a few years in the back of the closet.

It's very obvious ofcours, but olive oil is also oil, and you can lubricate with it. So when you come across a beeping door, a drop olive oil will solve it!

Yes, you can also clean your furniture with olive oil. Both processed and unprocessed wood can be cleaned and treated with olive oil. Just put a bit on a wipe and use it to rub.


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The dog days are approaching and with it the warmest period of the year. The olive trees have been able to prepare reasonably well with the rain that fell recently, but it could have been more. They can use it well because so far it looks like we're in for a good harvest. The trees are chock full of growing olives!

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